


僕からは8名の作家(Ahmed Mannan、石崎朝子、岸本望、木村和希、寺内大登、堀裕貴、松田瑞季、羽香)を推薦しています。

The exhibition "The Eyes of the Wind" is a portable and ultra-light exhibition that travels with minimal size.

The first exhibition was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, a country known for its active exchange with Japan. It showcased the works of 20 artists.

In October 2022, when the exhibition was held, many Russians crossed the border into Georgia due to the Ukrainian conflict caused by Russia. We were very anxious about conducting the exhibition across the border under these circumstances. However, the artists in Tbilisi, Georgia and I exchanged our determination to hold the exhibition and brought our art works, which are the embodiment of our eyes, across the border.

This second exhibition will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, a neighboring country of Georgia and the birthplace of human culture. After the exhibition, the organizers, Yoshidayamar and Fujio, will travel throughout Turkey to negotiate permanent installations of the works and archive the process through photographs and videos.

Twenty sets of works by artists measuring 5 cm x 5 cm each are packed into a small box and pass through airport security checks to be transported to distant lands. The theme of the exhibition itself is the "inconvenience" forced by the need to fit into this box, and various events will inevitably change the plan as it travels by chance to different places. It is like a road movie in a movie, a work-in-progress in theater, or a process of artwork that is transformed into a work of progress, which is a concept applied to art. Each window is directly linked to the cityscape, and the works viewed from the outside are not only public art, but also the eyes of the artists themselves. They cross the boundary between public and private, and become rooted in the city.

The landscape of each window will be compiled and archived. This exhibition will serve as a unique record of the exhibition and also as a city walking map.

「風の目たち/The Eyes of the Wind Vol.2」


住所:Freyaalt (6/4 only)

会期:June 4, 2023 “followed by a permanent installation tour at various locations in the city”


Ahmed Mannan,Asako Ishizaki,BIEN,Etsuko Ichihara,Hiroto Terauchi,kazuki kimura,Kenta Ishige,Kyohei Fujio,Meguninja,Mizuki Matsuda,Naoshi Kondo,Nozomu Kishimoto,Rick Yamakawa,Rintaro Fuse,Shota Tsukiyama,Shu Yonezawa,Tomotosi,Waka,Yoshida Yamar,Yuki Hori,Yusuke Asai(アルファベット順)

Co-planning/local coordination: Kyohei Fujio

Assistant Director: Chikei Hara

Companion Editor: Moe Nishiyama